Earlier Flourescent light fitting with 4×54 watts was installed, Light intensity was 400lux approximately . It was a matter of concern for the workmen .Creating stress on eyes of the workmen and sometimes leading to improper inspection of the job . New LED fitting of 150 watts with a light output of 650 lux app. fitted . In total 22 nos. light fittings replaced in the working area in shopfloor .

Effects :
1. It results to saving of Electric energy of 66 watt/fitting and for 22 nos, it saves 1.4kw/hr. i.e saving of 30kwh/day.
2. Reduced Stress on workmen eyes . Thus better health , increased output , reduced rejection .
3. Much more Burning life in comparison to Flourescent light fitting . Thus saving Recurring maintenance costs.

GVL participation in Energy Optimization –> Green Initiative”